Thursday 30 May 2013

The Conquest of America

     After Columbus’ first voyage, the Spanish conquered the Caribbean Islands very quickly. Later, they explored the continent nearby. The most important expeditions were those of Hernan Cortes, who conquered Mexico, and Francisco Pizarro, who conquered Peru.

 Francisco Pizarro

Hernan Cortes

     Before the arrival of the Spaniards, a great variety of peoples already lived in the Americas. They are called pre-Columbian peoples. Although many were small tribes, others such as the Incas, the Aztecs and the Mayans, had enormous empires. Pre-Columbian peoples cultivated corn and developed many crafts. The Mayans were expert mathematicians and astronomers.
Geographical distribution of the Incas, Aztecs
and Mayans

Machu Picchu (Incas)
Chichen Itza (Mayans)

A drawing of Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztecs

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