Wednesday 29 May 2013

Christopher Columbus and the dicovery of America

     In the 15th century, many people believed that the Earth was flat. However, Christopher Columbus was convinced it was round. He believed that you could arrive in Asia by sailing across the Atlantic Ocean to the west.
     On 3rd August 1492, Columbus set off with three caravels from the port of Palos de la Frontera,
in Huelva. On 12th October, the expedition reached land. Columbus thought he had arrived in Asia, in the West Indies, but in fact, he had landed on an island in the Caribbean. Columbus named the inhabitants "Indians" and he never realised that he had discovered a new continent.
     Years later another explorer, the Italian Amerigo Vespucci, proved that the territories that Columbus had discovered were part of a new continent and it was named America in his honour.

Interesting information about Columbus' life and the discovery of America: click here
Another website: click here

Here you have a video

The voyages of Columbus between Spain and the Americas

Nina. Pinta, and Santa Maria replicas (1893)

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