Sunday, 23 June 2013

El video de la gala de final de curso

Hola chic@s:
Muchos me habéis dicho que os gustaría tener el video que hemos proyectado en la gala de final de curso con el montaje de vuestras fotos.... Lo hemos hecho con mucho cariño y espero que os haya gustado.
Aquí lo tenéis:

También podéis acceder desde este enlace:

Lo podéis descargar directamente desde Youtube con el programa aTube Catcher.
En el futuro podréis contactar comigo enviando un email a: ¡¡siempre respondo al correo chic@s!!
Ha sido un placer poder ser vuetra profesora ... eso es algo que me llevo conmigo a donde sea que vaya:)

Friday, 21 June 2013

Fotos del último día en el cole

Hola chic@s... Sólo quería desearos unas felices y merecidas vacaciones a tod@s y que tuvierais las fotos de vuestra última actividad juntos en el cole.
¡Disfrutad del verano! ¡¡Y en septiembre al instituto!! ¡Qué mayores sois ya chic@s!
Mandadme un email y me contáis qué tal el insti...
Un beso muy fuerte a tod@s

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Más fotos de la gala

Aquí tenéis más fotos
Chic@s, algunos padres hicieron una foto al final de la gala todos juntos con los profes y me gustaría tenerla de recuerdo. ¿Me la podéis enviar alguno a mi email?

Unas fotos de la gala

Chic@s, aquí tenéis algunas fotos de hoy... Os ha salido fenomenal. ¡Estáis hechos unos artistas!

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Some music... just for fun:)

Me pedisteis unas canciones... ahí van, que las disfrutéis:)

We Are Never Getting Back Together (Taylor Swift)

Además encontré una versión de la canción con la letra, que está muy bien para aprenderla:

Otra petición: Born in the USA (Bruce Springsteen)

Sunday, 9 June 2013

La Historia Interminable

Hola chic@s: 
Aquí os dejo un enlace para descargar el libro que estuvimos leyendo en las sesiones de lectura
 "La historia interminable" de Michael Ende, en castellano

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

The Spanish Golden Age

     The Spanish Golden Age, which lasted from about 1560 to 1680,  is a period of great importance in arts and literature in Spain.
     El Siglo de Oro does not imply precise dates and it lasted longer than an actual century. Some authors think that it began no earlier than 1492, with the end of the Reconquest and the sea voyages of Christopher Columbus to the New World. Politically, it ended no later than 1659, with the Treaty of Pyrenees between France and Habsburg Spain. The last great writer of the period, Pedro Calderon de la Barca, died in 1681, and his death is usually considered the end of El Siglo de Oro in the arts and literature.
     The spanish Golden Age coincided with the political rise and decline of the Spanish Habsburg dynasty: the reigns of Charles I, Philip II, Philip III, Philip IV, and Charles II. The Habsburgs were great patrons of art.


 El Escorial, the great royal monastery built by King Philip II.

You can find more information on this website: click here

The Cathedral of Seville, built in the Baroque style (very rich ornamentation)

You can find more information on this website: click here


Diego Velazquez is one of the most influential painters of European history. He  cultivated a relationship with King Philip IV and his chief minister, the Count-Duke of Olivares, leaving us several portraits that demonstrate his style and skill.
Las Meninas (1656)
The Surrender of Breda
Philip IV in Brown and Silver
Equestrian Portrait of the Count-Duke Olivares
El Greco was another respected artist from the period. He helped create a uniquely Spanish style of painting.
The Burial of the Count of Orgaz

Miguel de Cervantes wrote  Don Quixote de la Mancha.

 First edition (1605)
 Don Quixote de la Mancha and Sancho Panza

Lope de Vega is Spain's most prolific playwright: about 1,800 theatrical plays are attributed to him. He also wrote poetry.

Saturday, 1 June 2013

The Spanish Empire: Charles I and Philip II

     In the 16th century, Spain became a powerful empire, the largest that had ever existed. However, near the end of the following century, the empire broke apart. Spain lost its superiority in Europe, and was attacked by other European countries.

     In 1516, Charles I became the king of Spain. He was the grandson of the Catholic Monarchs and he was educated in Flanders in the Netherlands. His empire included the Catholic Monarchs' territories, the Netherlands, territories in Central Europe, territories in America and the Philippines.
During his reign there were revolts in Spain and wars in Europe for different reasons.

     When Charles I decided to abandon the throne, he divided his empire between his brother and his son, Philip II. 

     In 1556, Philip II became the ruler of the largest empire of his time. He lost territories in Central Europe but he added territories in America, Asia and Africa. However, he also inherited many problems and had to fight to maintain the empire. He was involved in wars against France and against the Turks (Battle of Lepanto, 1571) and the Netherlands started a long rebellion against Spanish rule during this period.
     These wars were very expensive. Most of the money came from the gold and silver mines in the Americas. The population of Spain became poorer because the prices of certain products increased and less gold and silver were sent from America.